Threesome-Type Scenario

Lilyfields escorts have the life full of adventures, they meet new people every day and these acquaintances bring them lots of fun and new experiences. Recently one of our girls has travelled to Manchester and made friends with Sarah Louise, a beautiful blonde girl who happened to have an adventurous boyfriend David and was eager to have fun in a threesome-type scenario. 

When I first had the notion of joining Lilyfields escorts in London I had never really considered getting together with another woman in a threesome-type scenario. It’s not that I didn’t fancy it exactly, just that the opportunity had never arisen. That is, until last month in Manchester when I met up with a brunette bombshell I’ll call Sarah Louise. Now SL is very outgoing and adventurous. A friend of a friend, she was aware of my working life and was intrigued. So she asked lots of questions about the type of clients I have, what they expect of me, how I managed not to fall in love with them etc. I began to wonder if maybe she was trying to find out if escorting was the right kind of job for her.


She’s currently working with the BBC up here but I get the feeling she’s not that happy. After all, secretaries rarely get to be producers these days. After a few years of answering the phone that eventually begins to sink in (SL has only been working there for eight months so still a bit naive in that department). She’s an extremely pretty girl too – long legs, busty with lots of flowing curls and big blue eyes (a bit of a ‘Cinderella for adults’ type figure). So after quizzing me in the pub for a couple of hours and a glass or two (or three) of wine later Sarah wanted to hire yours truly as a ‘real life’ client – right there and then in a threesome-type scenario.

Well, it only felt natural to tell you the truth. We seemed to have bonded in our conversation and were obviously attracted to each other. Did I mention that she had lovely sparkly eyes? So we both went for something to eat in a cosy little bistro I love round the corner from the pub, an evening stroll along the River Irwell and then back to her place. A great evening was had by all as they say and now SL wants me to go along next Friday when she meets up with her boyfriend, David. ‘You’ll love him,’ she says.

To be honest I’m not sure I want to. I kind of like the idea of having SL all to myself. But then she is a Lilyfields client now and what she says goes. And after all if this David has managed to hook SL then he must be quite something himself. And there’s only one way to find out… And there is definitely the type of escorts for couples date awaiting for me…