When clients are ready with an escort agency and an escort to book, their next concern is the price of the escort’s services. Most agencies have their own price policies so the escorts’ costs differ. However, it is also possible to notice a big price variation within one agency and the difference between the services of one escort can greatly vary from the services of the other. Why does this happen?
The price of London escorts varies. Clients often ask me why there is such a difference between the cost of girls across various agencies when it comes to booking us for our wonderful companionship.
Of course, I myself am at the top end of the market and I’ll let you into the reasons how I got here later, but here I’ll explain the main discrepancies in the prices.
As you might expect, I work for one of London’s top escort agencies – Lilyfields. We specialise in very beautiful Latin girls. There’s no disputing the fact that all of the escorts at the agency here are gorgeous. But, importantly, we are also incredibly good company.
Every single one of us can all chat easily with a client from any background. Not only that but we like to listen to (in fact we do more of that than the former to be honest). We certainly know a lot about various subjects so you are never going to be stuck for something to talk about, and we are often guests at some of the capital city’s best restaurants, hotels and bars so we know the best haunts in the capital for atmosphere and fun.
A few of us are also very familiar with the intricacies of modern business. As a result you can use us as a valuable tool in the art of conversation and for smoothing over the odd deal. Such elite escorts in London who can do this are obviously very valuable (one can check some of their profiles here https://lilyfields.wpengine.com/all-escorts/ and make sure of their ‘value’).
The above are the reasons why Lilyfields is often classed as the best escort agency in London – and the most sought after.
But what about individual prices? Well, although we are all very beautiful there are one or two of us who are exceptionally stunning. The kind of woman everyone can’t help being mesmerized by. I am one of those women, and I get bookings because many men really like the idea of walking into a room with me and knowing that every single man is staring at both me and him (with envy on his part).
There are also other attributes which will push a girl’s price up. Experience obviously counts. I have been working as an escort for a number of years now, and there is a high demand for my services – from regular clients and others, and which gives me the confidence to be able to charge much higher rates than other girls.
My other great attribute is a sense of humour – I’ve been told that I do have a rather witty streak. Frequently I can make people laugh because yes I do like a bit of banter. Often, I get booked by people who otherwise lead very serious lives; men who work long hours and lead stressful lives.
The value of a few hours spent in someone’s company where you can feel relaxed and have a good laugh certainly cannot be underestimated. Believe me, I know!