Escorts job has one great advantage for those girls who hate early mornings. As this job has a flexible schedule which gives a wonderful opportunity to all ladies to enjoy their lives and mornings! According to a scientific research of the UK Sociological Centre there are more people who prefer late hours to early alarm sounds. And it’s no wonder…
I was never going to be a nine to five girl. This body and this face would have been wasted in an office. Besides, I have problems with being bored and, from what I hear, many office workers spend their time watching the clock and longing for it to reach half-five (or whenever) and the time they can leave their desk and make their way home.
Urgh! Another issue I have is that I am NOT a morning person. I am especially not a morning person at this time of year when it doesn’t get light in early mornings until late on. I don’t want to get up at sparrow’s fart (I LOVE that cute, English saying!) and have to push my way through commuters on the tube, ending up crushed against a train door.
No thank you!
When Lilyfields came calling, I jumped at the chance of working for a reputable, high-class escort agency, as you can imagine. And the idea that I will sometimes have overnight escort service bookings gave me a sparkle as I’m more a ‘stay-up-late’ person. Besides, I’m saved!
Saved, I thought, from early mornings!
Saved, I thought, from a life of office boredom!
Saved, I thought, from every-day clock watching!
Saved too, from the 7am (or worse!) alarm call!
As my mornings are often my own, I prefer a much more leisurely arousal. I wake up at a natural time for me and I spend an hour or so reading in bed. It’s a lovely luxury and I like to make the most of it, catching up with the latest best-seller or the news.
Then I have time to prep my body and my face for the adventures that are ahead of me.
Depending on what I have booked in, I’ll sort out my wardrobe too deciding what I’m going to wear and making sure that everything matches and is clean and ironed. If it’s a dinner date I look out a skirt and top, or dress outfit, I choose the best lingerie to go with the outfit and I try on all of my various pairs of shoes (50 and counting!) to see which pair looks best with whatever I have chosen.
Lilyfields blonde escorts tend to have lots of shoes, so I’m not the only one.
I’m not really a breakfast person, but I do like a brunch kind of thing. It’s nice when you’ve got someone to share that with too!
Yes, early mornings are not for me and I’m really glad I work in an industry where early morning starts are VERY unusual indeed.
Those who are not as lucky as me may want to read about 4 simple ways of healthy mornings from the Telegraph.